Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche will offer vows and reading transmission for Nagarjuna’s Root Verses of the Middle Way

Update March 29, 2023:

Recordings of the teaching part of this event have been posted now on


Original post:

Over the past six weeks a group of around 500 students, both online and in person at RYI in Kathmandu, have been participating in Thomas Doctor’s course on Nāgārjuna’s treatise entitled The Root Verses of the Middle Way (Mūlamadhyamakakārikā).  This is under the encouragement of Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche, who has often highlighted this text as one of the most important in terms of studying and applying the view of emptiness and great compassion in our lives.

Following in the tradition of authentic engagement with scriptural literature, Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche will kindly offer refuge and bodhisattva vows, as well as offer the textual transmission (lung) and key instructions on this profound text.

This special event will take place on Saturday, March 25 at 4 pm Nepal time in the new lhakang.

You are all invited to join this special occasion in person or via live streaming.

For all English speakers, we request to join here:

or on Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche’s FaceBook page

For all other languages, please join via Zoom here. (please only use Zoom, if you can not follow English translation)

Time: March 25th, 4 pm Nepal time (find your time zone: timezone converter)
Location: Ka-Nying Shedrub Ling Monastery (new shrine hall) & Live-stream online

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